Schlagwort: air

18. September, 2012

THE KNOB II – Wifi-Hardware

You know, I’m addicted to rotating knobs. And this is my new version. This one works over Wifi. So it works for desktop and mobile, native and Adobe Air. It is build with an Arduino Leonardo, a RedFly Wifi Shield and a ProtoShield with 10 buttons, 1 rotary encoder and 3 LEDs. On the software side I’m using the OSC protocol over UDP which is […]

19. November, 2011

Adobe AIR Gyroscope Native Extension with Euler Angles (roll, pitch, yaw) for iOS

UPDATE: I have released the extension including source on google code with some changes. Euler Gyroscope ANE on Google Code I baked my very first AIR iOS Native Extension. It’s just an adapted version of this version from Adobe. Because in my opinion the data of radians per second aren’t really good to handle. So I looked into Apples API documentation and found out that […]

8. November, 2011

Adobe AIR 3: How to build a Captive Runtime, Standalone Bundle Executable App

The challenge was to build a Adobe Air 3 Standalone Executable. Also called a „Captive Runtime“ or a Bundle. Here are some better descriptions: But it was not so easy as it sounds because the order of the adt options are very important! If the order isn’t correct you get the error „-storetype is required„. And if you are behind a firewall or no […]