Build an iPad app in a few hours.
The challenge:
„We need a small iPad app. Just four buttons, every button opens a video. Today!“
I thought, „OK“. I had only a freshly installed Mac and an Apple developer account.
- Install Appcelerator Titanium Studio
- Update the SDK to 1.8
- Go through the Apple Certification Process to get a new private key, your certificate and a provisioning profile
- Setup a new project in Titanium Studio
- Code and test the app
And I love Appcelerator Titanium because these few lines had done the job:
Titanium.UI.setBackgroundColor('#000'); Titanium.UI.orientation = Titanium.UI.LANDSCAPE_LEFT; win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({ title:'win1', backgroundColor:'#fff', navBarHidden:true, fullscreen:true }); win.orientationModes = [ Titanium.UI.LANDSCAPE_LEFT ]; var videoPlayer = Titanium.Media.createVideoPlayer({ backgroundColor:'#000', movieControlMode:Titanium.Media.VIDEO_CONTROL_FULLSCREEN, scalingMode:Titanium.Media.VIDEO_SCALING_ASPECT_FIT, autoplay:false, visible:false }); videoPlayer.addEventListener('complete',function(e) { videoPlayer.stop(); videoPlayer.hide(); Ti.UI.iPhone.hideStatusBar(); win.hideNavBar(); }); var bg = Titanium.UI.createImageView({image:'img/bg.png',top:0,left:0,width:1024,height:768}); win.add(bg); var button = Titanium.UI.createButton({ backgroundImage:'img/btn.png', width: 442,height:228,top:155,left:65 }); var button2 = Titanium.UI.createButton({ backgroundImage:'img/btn2.png', width: 442,height:228,top:155,left:519 }); var button3 = Titanium.UI.createButton({ backgroundImage:'img/btn3.png', width: 442,height:228,top:398,left:65 }); var button4 = Titanium.UI.createButton({ backgroundImage:'img/btn4.png', width: 442,height:228,top:398,left:519 }); button.addEventListener('click',buttonClicked); button2.addEventListener('click',buttonClicked); button3.addEventListener('click',buttonClicked); button4.addEventListener('click',buttonClicked); win.add(button); win.add(button2); win.add(button3); win.add(button4); win.add(videoPlayer);; Ti.UI.iPhone.hideStatusBar(); win.hideNavBar(); function buttonClicked(e) { var videoUrl = ""; switch (e.source) { case button: videoUrl = 'videos/video01.mp4'; break; case button2: videoUrl = 'videos/video02.mp4'; break; case button3: videoUrl = 'videos/video03.mp4'; break; case button4: videoUrl = 'videos/video04.mp4'; break; } showVideo(videoUrl); } function showVideo(w) { videoPlayer.setUrl(w);;; }
And the whole job was only done in about two hours.