Silent Meditation Timer for a Singing Bowl
In 2014 I had another idea about a meditation timer for singing bowl (Klangschale). A clapper which automatically hammers after a specified amount of time.
I had some features in mind:
- It needs to fit on a wide range of bowls.
- The mechanics needs to be silent.
- The timer needs to be adjustable
- Maybe it can also bell in adjustable time intervals, like Tich Nhat Hanh’s mindfullness bell
Motors, servos and solenoids are all too noisy. So I made some research and found electric muscles. I ordered two from sparkfun. And I made some scribbles how it can look like.
I think it would be nice that the time can set by a rotary encoder, combined with a little display, maybe 7-segment led or a small oled, like in the MicroView
The latest thing I made is a paper prototype with a simple button. I was amazed, the mechanics works perfect. And it’s really silent.
The click in the video is just the button press. The NanoMuscle itself is very silent.