GSAK2iPhone First Public Beta
Today I released my GSAK2iPhone tool, which I first coded only for myself. But maybe someone out there in the big geocaching family will find it usefull.
Today I released my GSAK2iPhone tool, which I first coded only for myself. But maybe someone out there in the big geocaching family will find it usefull.
Moin moin, schicker Beitrag auch wenn ich das etwas anders sehe 😀
[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‚0 which is not a hashcash value.
Sorry, for answering so late but I was on holidays and after that we had very mach work.
I have tried two tools out of the App Store. Both worked but were too slow while transfering the files. These tools are „Datacase“ and „Air Sharing“.
If you have jailbreaked your iPhone you can use WinSCP to copy the files anywhere on the iPhone’s filesystem and you can use „Fileviewer“ or „Mobile Finder“ out of the cydia installer to view the files.
Have fun
Hi, I tried downloading your software – it works fine on my PC desktop – how do I get it on my iPhone? I can’t jailbreak it because it is firmware version 2.2. It is frustrating that I have to use either the geocaching app to search for caches (which is very SLOW), or export my html from GSAK to my webserver, then use Safari to browse the html pages over the air (again, very slow and unusable in some locations due to poor 3G coverage. Why can’t I find a simple way to view html locally on my iPhone?
OK now how in the world do you get it on to the phone?????????????? Looks like a good idea but you really need a simple step by step explanation on how you get this all done. We are not all computer geeks.
You are wayyyyyy over most people’s heads explaining this. I exported the html. I have a folder on my desktop. I got all the information into GSAK2iphone. NOW WHAT???
Will this happen through itunes or just what do I do to put it on the phone. Is there another program I need on the phone so this thing doesn’t rum amock and do crazy things to my phone.
Sorry, that’s your opinion. But I’m a flash developer an I think the AIR platform has a big potential. The best things: – it is platform independant and I can code something for it. I’m working on a windows platform so you as a mac user can use my tools too.
You are right the system warnings are annoying and Adobe has to change this. Other frameworks like .NET never asks that and many people uses it.
I think you can trust AIR applications as you trust any other propietary apps. Maybe it is a little bit saver because of it’s sandbox principle.
There is zero chance anyone in there right mind would install this without knowing exactly what it does. Adobe Air is very new and its underlying destructive capabilities are not yet known. I am on a Mac and I have never seen so many system warnings pop up before an any install before. The conversion itself is a good idea and something I would like, but you picked the wrong development platform to do it on as know one I know trusts it. Thanks